Published on : September 01, 2020
Title:Array Difference
Purpose :To get a different key and values from arrays
Syntax :[php.array_diff_assoc p1=”{array1}” p2=”{array2}” o.set=template.res /]
Input Parameter :Array1, Array2
Return value : Returns an array containing the entries from array1 that are not present in any of the other arrays
Example :
[template.set_array x a1=1 a2=2 a3=3 /] [template.set_array y a4=4 a2=2 a6=6 /] [php.array_diff_assoc p1=”{template.x}” p2=”{template.y}” o.set=template.res /] [template.echo res /]
Output : New array with distinct elements
Description:We can compare the keys and values of two arrays, and return the differences using this function