When applying for a personal loan, certain documents are typically required to verify your identity, income, and financial stability. These documents serve as proof of your ability to repay the loan and provide the necessary information for the lender to assess your creditworthiness. Having all of your paperwork organised will speed up the loan application process and improve your chances of getting approved.
Documents Required For A Personal Loan
When applying for a personal loan, applicants will have to submit the documents for loan approval. Below are the list of documents that applicants will have to submit for loan application.
Personal Loan Documents For Salaried Employees
- Photo Identity – Passport, Voter’s ID, Pan Card, Driving License, Aadhar Card
- Residence Proof – Utility Bill, Passport, Aadhar Card, Driving License, Ration Card
- Income Proof – Salary Slip for last 3 months along with Form 16, Bank Statement for the previous 6 months where the salary has been credited
- Proof of Job Continuity – Employment Certificate from the current company, Appointment letter from current employer (if employment period exceeds two years, Certificate of experience from the previous company along with job certificate
- Investment Proof – Fixed assets, shares, fixed deposits, etc.
- Photograph – 1 Passport size colour photograph
Personal Loan Documents Required For Self-Employed Individuals
- Identity Proof – Passport, Voter’s ID, Pan Card, Driving License, Aadhar Card
- Residence Proof – Utility Bill, Passport, Aadhar Card, Ration Card, Driving License
- Proof of Office Address – Maintenance Bill, Property Documents, Utility Bill
- Office Ownership Proof – Maintenance Bill, Property Documents, Electricity Bill
- Business Existence Proof – Tax Registration Copy, Company Registration Licence, Shop Establishment Proof
- Income Proof – Income Tax Returns for the previous two years inclusive of computation of income, audit report balance sheet, audit report, balance sheet, profit and loss account, etc.
- Bank Statement – Savings and Current bank statements for the past one year
- Proof of Investment (if any) – Fixed assets, shares, fixed deposits, etc.
- Photograph – 1 Passport size colour photograph
Documents Required For NRI Applicants
- Identity Proof – Passport, Visa
- Proof of Employment – Appointment Letter, Job Contract, Identity/Labour Card (if applicable), official Email ID or HR email ID.
- Income Proof – Bank Statement of last 6 months, salary slip
- Photograph – Recent passport-size photograph
Documents Required For Pensioners
- Identity Proof – Ration Card, PAN Card, Voter ID card, Passport, Driving Licence, School Leaving Certificate, Birth Certificate
- Address Proof – Aadhar Card, Passport, ration Card, Utility Bill, Driving Licence
- Income Proof – Bank Passbook, Bank Statement for last 6 months, Form 16, Income Tax Returns, Copy of pension payment order
- Photograph – Recent passport-size photograph
Obtaining a personal loan requires a specific set of documents to support the loan application process. These documents typically include proof of identity, proof of address, and proof of income; additionally, lenders may request additional documents such as employment verification letters or income tax returns to assess the borrower’s creditworthiness. It is crucial to carefully review the specific requirements of each lender and gather all necessary documents to ensure a smooth and successful personal loan application process.