Personal Loan App - Get Instant Personal Loan Online from LoanTap
Published on : September 06, 2023

Life is unpredictable, and it happens frequently that people find themselves in an emergency situation where money is needed immediately. Getting a huge amount of money can be challenging to arrange, especially when it is urgently needed. You can seek assistance from an immediate personal loan in times of emergency. You can effortlessly and hassle-freely obtain the funds. Instant personal loans are unsecured loans with short approval times. With the Personal Loan App you can get the loan hassle-free with minimal documentation. Here, we’ll go into great detail regarding instant personal loans.

Features of Instant Personal Loan

  • These are essentially pre-approved loans from lenders.
  • Processing time is minimal, with minimal documentation and a completely digital process.
  • Borrowers can get instant loans from ₹50,000 to ₹10 Lakhs.
  • Instant personal loans are quick and convenient, as they are disbursed within 24 hours.
  • Usually, borrowers who have a healthy credit profile along with a stable income get approved for instant personal loans.
  • Borrowers looking for an instant personal loan should check for pre-approved offers from the bank, where they have their salary or savings account, from their lender.
  • Instant personal loans can be used for any requirement, such as marriage, travel, higher education, house improvement, medical emergencies, and much more.

List of Documents for Instant Personal Loan

Photo Identity

  • Passport
  • PAN Card
  • Voter ID
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Driving Licence

Address Proof

  • Passport
  • Utility Bill (telephone, electricity, water, gas) – less than 2 months’ old
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Driving Licence
  • Ration Card

Income Proof

  • Salary Slips (Last 3 months)
  • Bank Statement for the last 3 to 6 months

Tax Paid

  • IT Returns (for 2 years)
  • Form 16

Residence Ownership Proof (Any One)

  • Property Documents
  • Maintenance Bill
  • Electricity Bill

Proof of Job Continuity

  • Current Employment Certificate
  • Appointment Letter from current job
  • Experience Certificate

How to Apply for Instant Personal Loan

If you need finances urgently, follow the steps below to get an instant personal loan.

  • Visit the official website ofLoanTap.
  • On the home page, click on the ‘Apply Now’ tab to apply for an instant personal loan.
  • Select your employment profile. Choose if you are a business owner, self-employed, or salaried.
  • Select the purpose of your loan, like a home loan, personal loan, wedding loan, etc., and click on Continue.
  • Type in your email address and permanent residence address.
  • Enter all additional information, including monthly income, active loans (if any), and type of current residence.
  • Upload the required documents, such as bank statements, pay slips, and ownership records for real estate. 
  • Enter your PAN card number and birthdate.
  • Once all the information you’ve provided is verified, your loan amount will be sanctioned immediately if it is approved.


It’s an easy and hassle-free process to submit an online application for an instant personal loan. LoanTap offers quick personal loans without complications. You can access the application forms by visiting our official website or downloading the instant loan app. Give honest disclosures of all necessary financial and personal information. To improve your chances of being approved, be sure to upload the required paperwork and provide accurate information. Before submitting your application, carefully examine the terms, interest rates, and repayment alternatives. A well-prepared application that is submitted online might speed up the approval process and assist you in quickly obtaining the finances you require.